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Ukraine anniversary

God's provision through a year of war

24th February 2023 marked the one-year anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine - a conflict which has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions internally, throughout Europe and the world.

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As this edition of Transform went to print, the world marked the anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine - a conflict which has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions internally, throughout Europe and the world.

It’s also been one year since the Ukrainian Bible Society began their mission to support the people of the Ukraine through this conflict by distributing humanitarian aid and the Word of God.

In 2022, the Ukrainian Bible Society distributed over half a million Scriptures throughout the country – consisting of 102,380 complete Bibles; 139,250 New Testaments; 99,030 Children’s Bibles; and 160,955 portions.

The Bible Society in Ukraine also hosts Trauma Healing programmes, including events for children, in the more peaceful and safe regions. Their Trauma Healing programmes are so well regarded that they have been officially recognized by the Ministry of Defence as a part of training curriculum to the military chaplains.

While we praise God for these remarkable opportunities to share the Bible, we are also deeply aware that with no sign of an end to the conflict, the situation for the Bible Society and the country of Ukraine remains incredibly dangerous.

“Things remain alarming and stressful here… churches, volunteer organizations and the Bible Society try to be especially active and reach out to people with comforting and encouraging message from the Bible…The whole nation has been affected, the whole nation is mobilized, and no one can stay away or take a break from the war. In the ministry field, there is no greater motivation than knowing your every effort counts, every Bible given away is capable of changing someone’s current condition and future. But it does wear you down, so we all are looking forward to the day when the war is over and we all can take a break.”

- Rostyslav Stasyuk, Communications & Projects Officer for the Ukrainian Bible Society

Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, for the work of the Bible Society in Ukraine, and for God’s Word to bring comfort and peace to those facing the unrelenting horror of war.