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Noahs Ark Drawing

Literacy and learning using Bible stories

The Bible is a book filled with stories. When we invite children to engage with and explore these stories, as part of their RME curriculum, we are providing them with an opportunity to develop and practice literacy skills.

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The lesson plans in the Must Know Bible Stories resources include activities that allow children to learn and practice skills such as sequencing, retelling the story and identifying the settings, the characters or the emotions in the story. The resources also encourage discussion-based activities that provide a context for the children to learn to ask questions of the text or story, explore and consider the meaning of the text and look for evidence from the text for opinions and beliefs. You are linking RME to literacy just by using the lesson plans and ideas in the resources.

But you could do more! Each Bible story provides specific literacy opportunities that will allow children to delve deeper into the story and develop literacy skills. Of course, this also supports their RME learning as they develop a deeper understanding of the belief found in the story. A P7 class at Forehill School, having heard the story of the Prodigal Son, pretended to be the younger son and wrote postcards home to their dad. Another class at Braehead Primary school storyboarded the story of Noah’s Ark having first identified what they believed were the key elements. David (from David and Goliath) is known for writing songs to and about God, these are known as Psalms. Classes at Kingswells Primary School, knowing David spent most of his time outdoors, headed outside to write their own psalms.

These are just a few of the possibilities to connect RME and literacy. For more ideas and suggestions download the Must Know Bible Stories resources.