Share the hope of Jesus this Easter!
Easter provides an amazing opportunity to share the hope that can only be found in Jesus with our friends, families, neighbours and wider community.
Research shows that, increasingly, people in our nation are searching for God. And as they search, they are turning to the Bible. This Easter we are encouraging churches to share the message of hope in Jesus through two Bible resources that point people to Jesus.
John: Light and Life is an A4 full colour magazine with the entire text of the Gospel of John. The design, images and layout helps people discover this world-changing book in a fresh way – whether it’s their first time reading, or they have known this story for many years.
Wonder Walks is an interactive booklet for all ages that helps people read, think and talk about the Easter story With Bible texts from John’s Gospel, it is an invitation to journey with Jesus from his entrance into Jerusalem until that wonderful resurrection morning.
Intergenerational Easter All Together
Two intergenerational Easter service outlines to help your community explore Easter together:
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.
Easter RME Resources
Easter Outdoors
Easter RME resources
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Must Know Bible Stories Gaelic Resources - Easter - Early Years
Must Know Bible Stories Easter resources for use in a Gaelic Medium setting. Contains Story Trail, Story Script, Quiz, PowerPoint slides and more.
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How to share the hope of Jesus with your community this Easter:
- Buy two copies of each resource for everyone in the church. Encourage people to use the resources during Easter and pray for opportunities to give them to family, friends and neighbours.
- Do you know that it is 18-24 year olds in Scotland who are most likely to be turning to the Bible? If you live near a college or University, are there student residences where you can gift these resources?
- There has been a huge increase in the number of teenagers exploring the Bible in Scotland. Why not give these resources to the young people in your church and wider community? How about encouraging any teens you have in your church to share these resources with their friends?
- Gift Wonder Walks to families you know. With the Easter holidays coming up, they’ll be looking for things to do together outdoors. For church families, this encourages conversations about Jesus and for families who don’t go to church, it’s a great way to explore the story of Jesus.
- Do you have a toddlers group in your church or community? Why not give a copy of these resources to the families who come?
- Give a copy of John: Light & Life to everyone in the church and encourage people to read it with someone in the church or the wider community.
- Take your youth or children’s group on a Wonder Walk - have fun and talk about the Easter Story as you enjoy time together.
- Encourage families to go on Wonder Walks and invite their friends to go with them.
- Invite adults in the congregation to go on a Wonder Walk on their own or with friends.
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