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  • / Must Know Bible Stories - Creation
Must Know Bible Stories Creation Sunrise_Crop
Must Know Bible Stories


Explore the story of Creation as you play and learn together

Use these resources:

  • And go outdoors! It’s the perfect story to take outside. We provide lots of ideas to teach and explore this story in your outdoor space.
  • When learning about our world. Perhaps you’re enjoying contexts like ‘Under the Sea’, ‘Exploring the jungle’ or ‘Space and Planets’. Why not link your RME teaching to that context?
  • When you’re exploring how and why we should care for our environment. In the creation account God gives people the job of looking after the world. As you consider this you will be helping your pupils begin to understand how faith and belief are relevant to the world they live in.
  • To start thinking about ‘where do we come from?’ ‘why are we here?’ or ‘How did the world begin?’. These are wonderfully big and important issues for children and young people to start to grapple with. These resources help them understand the Christian viewpoint, encourage them to discover other beliefs and help them to discuss and debate while developing their own beliefs. It’s a wonderful opportunity to teach children respect and encourage them to be interested in others’ thoughts and opinions.

In your Lesson Plan pack:

Microsoft Teams image 11

PowerPoint Slides

Bring the stories to life with our beautifully rendered images from the Bible World Books series of Bible stories.

Lesson plan

Lesson Plans

Let us help you navigate the story with our easy-to-use lesson plans. Alongside instructions, our lesson plans include brief background reading to help you with any questions your class may have as you explore the story together.

Story Trails

Story Trails

Story Trails help you explore the story outdoors. They might invite the children to join in with the story as it’s told or test the children’s knowledge of the story with quizzes, puzzles, codes and challenges. Each Story Trail is quick and easy to set up and includes ideas to extend the learning after the trail is completed.