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Equip Bible Study - Encountering the God who Speaks – Life transformed through the Bible

A Conversations study focused on eight individuals from the Bible and their transforming encounters with God.



In Genesis, God speaks, and the world is formed and filled with life: God’s Word is powerful, and when God speaks, the world is changed. From the very beginning of the Biblical story, God’s Word is personal and relational: God speaks to humanity, walking and talking with humanity in a garden paradise (Genesis 3).

God’s Word is always a revelation – it shows us who God is and what God is like – that we might know God. But God’s Word also reveals who we are – it shows us who we are and what we are like – that we might be known.

This set of studies focuses on eight individuals and their transforming encounters with God. While the encounters are all unique in their own way, crucially, in each of these encounters the individuals hear God speak.

This is a conversations style Bible study.