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Innis Stòiridh às a’ Bhìoball / Share a story Bible

Audiobook of Innis Stòiridh às a’ Bhìoball



Seo stòiridhean inntinneach às a’ Bhìoball airson an toirt dha daoine beaga agus clann òga.

Cuiridh iad eòlas air 15 stòiridhean às a’ Bhìoball, bho chiad thoiseach an t-saoghail chun àm a chuir Iosa a charaidean a-mach leis an naidheachd mhath.

Aig cridhe gach stòiridh tha teachdaireachd shìmplidh mu phlana mìorbhaileach Dhè, agus mun teachdaireachd gràidh aig Iosa dhan t-saoghal.

Enjoy sharing the stories of the Bible with toddlers and young children.
An interactive first introduction to 15 Bible stories from the beginning of the world to Jesus sending his friends out to share the good news.

Each story from the Old and New Testaments has a simple key message about God’s amazing plan, and Jesus’ loving message to the world.

This audio recording was funded by the Gaelic Committee of the Church of Scotland.