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Releasing the power of God’s Word

Over 50% of the world’s languages
have no scripture at all

But with your help, we could have some scripture translated in every language by 2033

While 5.96 billion people across the world can enjoy the Bible in their own language, over 1.5 billion people are stuck, unable to read and connect to the full Bible in their heart language. Can you imagine the frustration of a Bible effectively blank, devoid of even a single verse you can read and understand?

But with your help, the goal is in sight for the first time in history The United Bible Societies, working with other global partners, has embarked on the ambitious task to complete translations in 3710 languages, making some scripture available to every language on earth by the year 2033.

We cannot do this without you.
Please join us in making the Bible available to everyone in their heart language. This could be achieved in this generation!

Elena West Toba Argentina edit

Access to the Bible in every heart language can be achieved in our lifetime!

Thanks to the on-going work of the Argentinian Bible Society, the Toba people of Argentina are discovering God’s message of hope for them through Scripture. Aurelia’s journey from doubter to believer was revolutionised when she was sick, and she cried out for God to heal her. Experiencing God’s power, she wanted to learn more, so the Bible Society helped her attend literacy classes, and get the New Testament in her own language. She recognised her identity in Christ and felt closer to God. As a struggling single mother, the Bible gives her hope and helps her to raise her children well.

Through continued efforts, they are looking forward to having the whole Bible in West Toba language in 2025, and with your help, we want to see more people experience joy and transformation when a new translation is launched, received, read and shared for the first time.

The Bible Society are relying on your prayers and financial support to help make this happen across the world.

Your support will help bring the transformative truth and hope of the Gospel to all people.

Will you give to the tireless translation work of the Bible Society, releasing the power of God’s Word in every language?

Argentina edit2

Before I had the Bible in Spanish, but I did not understand it... I am a new Martina as a result of the New Testament in West Toba.

How you can help

for the work
being done by the
Bible Society worldwide
Prayer diary >

so the Bible Society can translate the precious Word of God for the remaining 1.5 billion people
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the story of these women and how God’s word is transforming their lives and community